I love receiving greeting cards and really do hate having to put them away after a birthday or special celebration. I usually left them on the hutch for a couple of weeks after the event and then they would get bundled up and shoved in a draw.
I could never think of throwing them out. Each card has a little sentimental value, in that someone picked that card out for me and wrote a personal message inside, for me.
It doesn’t take long for the draw to end up packed with greeting cards, so I decided the best way to solve the packed draw issue was to create a scrapbook with all the cards. This solved a couple of issues for me – I reclaimed a drawer in the hutch and didn’t feel like I was being a hoarder.
You can use any book to create a greeting card scrapboo, it doesn’t have to be a large sized book, you can use a smaller journal size album. The perfect type of book to use is a spiral bound book as this will give a little more flexibility when turning pages as your greeting card albums fills up. Or a binder where you can add more pages when needed.
You can also add more to your scrapbook than just greeting cards. A quick internet search and you will find heaps of free background images that you can print off. Cut them to the size of your album page and stick them down with a glue stick or double sided tape to the album page.
Plus, $2 shops and the cheap discount stores have heaps of embellishments that are made for scrapbooking that you can also add to the page you put the card on – flowers, wooden embellishments of little animals, keys, in fact, pretty much anything you can think of. Lace is one of my favourite things to use on a card page, especially against a vintage background.