It’s Mum’s birthday next week, and here you are standing in a newsagents looking for a suitable card to mark the occasion. They all look the same, different colours and messages, but still the same. What’s not to say that someone else may get Mum the same card you do.
Nothing on the shelves really leaps out, they all appear to be so generic. Does buying a commercially produced card give a feeling of insincerity? And it is always difficult to find a card that fits the personality of the recipient. So, it is back to selecting a really generic card.
A card is supposed to invoke some emotions in the recipient. The receiver should be able to relate to the meaning of the card and the majority of times, this is impossible with a commercial card. It might have a pretty picture on the front of the card but does how does that image relate to the receiver?
Sending a card is about feelings. The feelings you have towards the person you are sending the card to and the feeling the recipient will experience when they receive the card. That’s why it is important to send just the right card.